樊琦(Fan Qi),www.77729.com, 教授。
·地址:广州市新港西路135号 邮政编码:510275
·1994.09-1998.07 中山大学环境科学与工程学院大气科学系,学士学位
·1998.09-2003.06 中山大学环境科学与工程学院大气科学系,博士学位(提前攻博)
·2003.07-2005.01 中山大学环境科学与工程学院大气科学系,讲师
·2005.02-2006.04 日本产业技术综合研究所化学物质风险管理研究中心,博士后
·2006.05-2009.07 中山大学环境科学与工程学院大气科学系,讲师
·2009.07-2012.08 中山大学环境科学与工程学院大气科学系,副教授
·2012.09-2012.11 美国北卡州立大学海洋、地球及大气科学系,访问学者
·2012.11-2015.11 中山大学环境科学与工程学院大气科学系,副教授
·2016.01-至今 ? ? ??www.77729.com,教授
1. 广东省科技计划项目:基于包含珠三角精细化城市结果WRF/Chem模型的PM2.5和O3协同联防联控技术研究,2015.1~2017.12(承担)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:华南沿海与内陆城市酸雨形成机理的对比研究,2013.1~2016.12(承担)
3. 中山大学重大项目培育和新兴、交叉学科资助计划项目:珠三角区域大气复合污染长期变化趋势及机理研究,2015.7~2017.6(承担)
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:华南沿海与内陆城市酸雨特征及生成机理的对比研究,2012.1~2012.12(承担)
5. 中山大学青年教师培育项目:珠江三角洲区域气溶胶污染输送特征的数值模拟研究,2010.1~2012.12(承担)
6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:珠江三角洲区域气溶胶污染形成机理的数值模拟研究,2009.1~2011.12(承担)
2015年获得教育部大气科学类 “大气科学青年教师本科教学交流与竞赛”三等奖
1. Lin, L., Hang, J.*, Wang, X.X., Wang, X.M., Fan, S.J.,Fan, Q., Liu, Y.H., 2016 Integrated effects of street layouts and wall heating on vehicular pollutant dispersion and their reentry into downstream canyons. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. In review.
2. Wang, X.M.*, Chen,W.H., Chen, D.H., Wu, Z.Y.,Fan, Q., 2016. Long-term trends of fine particulate matter and chemical composition in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone (PRDEZ), China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10(1):53-62.
3. Fan, Q.,Lan, J., Liu, Y.M., Wang, X.M., Chan, P.W., Hong, Y.Y., Feng, Y.R ., Liu, Y.X., Zeng, Y.J., Liang, G.X., 2015. Process analysis of regional aerosol pollution during spring in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Environment, 122:829-838.
4. Fan, Q.,Lan, J., Liu, Y.M., Wang, X.M., Chan, P.W. Fan, S.J., Hong, Y.Y., Liu, Y.X., Zeng, Y.J., Liang, G.X., Feng, Y.R., 2015. Diagnostic analysis of the sulfate aerosol pollution in spring over Pearl River Delta, China. Aerosol and Air quality Research, 15:46-57.
5. Liu, Y.M., Zhang, S.T.,Fan, Q.*, Wu, D., Chan,P.W., Wang, X.M., Fan, S.J., Feng, Y.R., Hong, Y.Y., 2015. Accessing the Impact of Sea-Salt Emissions on Aerosol Chemical Formation and Deposition over Pearl River Delta, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15:2232-2245.
6. 洪莹莹,刘一鸣,张舒婷,范绍佳,樊琦*,2015.珠三角城市化对大气边界层特征影响的数值模拟.中山大学学报(自然科学版),54(1):116-123.
7. 吴蒙,吴兑,范绍佳*,廖志恒,樊琦,2015.东莞地区冬季大气边界层结构对PM2. 5影响的观测研究.中山大学学报(自然科学版),54(4):158-170.
8. 张兰*,张宇飞,林文实,谢文锋,张小玲,樊琦,2015.空气污染对珠江三角洲一次大暴雨影响的数值模拟.热带气象学报,31(2):264-272.
9. 刘一鸣,洪莹莹,张舒婷,王雪梅,范绍佳,冯业荣,樊琦*,2014.珠江三角洲秋季典型气溶胶污染的过程分析.中国环境科学,34(12): 3017-3025.
10.?曾莉萍,吴小卫*,罗乃兴,林文实,樊琦,冯业荣,2014.模式分辨率对珠三角局地污染扩散影响的数值模拟.南京大学学报(自然科学), 50(6):838-846.
11.?邹德龙,冯业荣*,梁巧倩,汪瑛,樊琦,邓文剑, 2014. 0~3小时短时定量降水预报算法研究.热带气象学报,30(2):249-260.
12.?Situ, S.P., Wang, X.M. *, Guenther, A., Zhang, Y.L., Wang, X.M., Huang, X.M.,Fan, Q., Xiong, Z.,2014. Uncertainties of isoprene emissions in the MEGAN model estimated for a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 98: 105-110.
13.?Chang, M., Fan, S.F.,Fan, Q., Chen, W.H., Zhang, Y.Q., Wang, Y., Wang, X.M.,* 2014. Impact of refined land surface properties on the simulation of a heavy convective rainfall process in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 50(1): 645- 655.
14.?Fan, Q.*, Yu, W., Fan, S.J., Wang, X.M., Lan, J., Zou, D.L., Feng, Y.R., Chan, P.W., 2014. Process analysis of a regional air pollution episode over Pearl River Delta Region, China, using the MM5-CMAQ model. Journal Of The Air & Waste Management Association, 64(4):406-418.
15.?Fan, Q., Shen, C., Wang,X.M.*, Li, Y., Huang, W., Liang, G.X., Wang, S.Y., Huang, Z.E., 2013. Impact of a dust storm on characteristics of particle matter (PM) in Guangzhou, China. Asia-Pacific Journal of AtmosphericSciences, 49(4), 121-131.
16.?Fan,Q., Yu, W., Fan,S.J., Wang,X.M., Lan, J., Zou,D.L., Feng,Y.R., Chan, P.W., 2013. Process analysis of a regional air pollution episodes over Pearl River Delta region, China using the MM5-CMAQ model. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64(4):406-418.
17.?Fan,Q., Liu, Y.M., Wang, X.M., Fan, S.J., Chan, P.W., Lan, J., Feng, Y.R., 2013.?Effect of different meteorological fields on the regional air quality modelling over Pearl River Delta, China. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 53(1-2):3-23.
19.?Wu,M., Wu,D.,Fan,Q., Wang, B.M., Li, H.W., Fan, S. J., 2013.Observational studies of the meteorological characteristics associated with poor air quality over the Pearl River Delta in China. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, 13:10755-10766.
20.?Fan, S.J.,Fan*, Q., Yu, W., Luo, X.Y., Wang, B.M., Song,L.L., Leong, K.L., 2011. Atmospheric boundary layer characteristics over the Pearl River Delta, China, during the summer of 2006: measurement and model results. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11(13), 6297-6310.