? ? ? ?周声圳,男,讲师,硕士生导师。
E-mail: zhoushzh3@mail.sysu.edu.cn
2003/09-2007/06 西北大学城市与资源学系, 环境工程,学士
2008/09-2014/06 山东大学环境研究院,大气化学,博士(导师王文兴院士,王韬讲座教授)
2010/09-2012/08 香港理工大学土木及环境工程学系,Research Assistant
2013/08-2014/07 香港理工大学土木及环境工程学系,Research Assistant
本科生:《大气化学》、《普通化学》; 研究生:气溶胶科学与测量技术
(1)国家自然青年科学基金(41505106),2016.01 - 2018.12(主持)。
(2)广州市环保局污染防治新技术新工艺开发项目,2015.06.01 - 2016.06.30(主持)。
(3)广东省自然科学基金(2014A030310497),2015.01 - 2018.01 (主持)。
20.? Zhou, S.Z., Davy, P. K., Huang, M., Duan, J., Wang, X., Fan, Q., Chang, M., Liu, Y., Chen, W., Xie, S., Ancelet, T., and Trompetter, W. J.: High-resolution sampling and analysis of ambient particulate matter in the Pearl River Delta region of southern China: source apportionment and health risk implications, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18: 2049-2064.
19.? Zhou, S.Z., Yang L.X., Gao R, Wang X.F., Gao X.M., Nie W., et al. A comparison study of carbonaceous aerosols in a typical North China Plain urban atmosphere: Seasonal variability, sources and implications to haze formation. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 149: 95-103.
18.? Zhou, S.Z., Davy, P. K., Wang, X.M., Cohen, J. B., Liang, J.Q., Huang, M.J., Fan, Q., Chen, W.H., Chang, M., Ancelet, T. and Trompetter J. W.: High time-resolved elemental components in fine and coarse particles in the Pearl River Delta region of Southern China: Dynamic variations and effects of meteorology, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 572: 634-648.
17.?Chen, W.H., Wang, X.M.*, Zhou, S.Z.*, Cohen, J. B., Zhang, J.P., Wang, Y., Chang, M., Zeng, Y.J., Liu, Y.X., and Ling, Z.H.: Chemical Composition of PM 2.5 and its Impact on Visibility in Guangzhou, Southern China, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2016, 16: 2349-2361.
16.?Chen, W.H., Wang, X.M.*, Cohen, J. B., Zhou, S.Z.* , Zhang, Z., Chang, M., and Chan, C.-Y.: Properties of aerosols and formation mechanisms over southern China during the monsoon season, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16: 13271-13289.
15.? Zhou Shengzhen, Wang Tao, Wang Zhe, Li Weijun, Xu Zheng, Wang Xinfeng, Yuan Chao, Poon C.N., Wang Wenxing. Photochemical evolution of organic aerosols in urban plumes from Hong Kong and the Pearl River delta of China. Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 88: 219-229.
14.? Zhou Shengzhen, Wang Zhe, Gao Rui, Xue Likun, Yuan Chao, Wang Tao, Gao Xiaomei, Wang Xinfeng, Nie Wei, Xu Zheng, Zhang Qingzhu, Wang Wenxing. Formation of secondary organic carbon and long-range transport of carbonaceous aerosols at Mount Heng in South China. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 63: 203-212.
13.? Zhou Shengzhen, Yuan Qi, Li Weijun, Lu Yaling, Zhang Yangmei, Wang Wenxing. Trace Metals in Atmospheric Fine Particles in One Industrial Urban City: Spatial Variations, Sources, and Health Implications. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26: 205-213.
12.? Li Weijun, Zhou Shengzhen, Wang Xinfeng, Xu Zheng, Yuan Chao, Yu Yangchun, Zhang Qingzhu, Wang Wenxing. Integrated evaluation of aerosols from regional brown hazes over Northern China in winter: concentrations, sources, transformation, and mixing states. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 2011, 116(D09301): 1-11.
11.? Li Weijun, Wang Tao, Zhou Shengzhen, Lee Shuncheng, Huang Yu, Gao Yuan, Wang Wenxing. Microscopic Observation of Metal-Containing Particles from Chinese Continental Outflow Observed from a Non-Industrial Site. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (16): 9124-9131.
10.? Yuan Qi, Li Weijun, Zhou Shengzhen, Yang Lingxiao, Chi Jianwei, Sui Xiao and Wang Wenxing. Integrated evaluation of aerosols during haze-fog episodes at one regional background site in North China Plain. Atmospheric Research, 2015, 156: 102-110.
9.? Liao Wenhui., Wang Xuemei, Fan Qi, Zhou Shengzhen, Chang Ming, Wang Zhimin, Wang Yu, Tu Qiulan. Long-term Atmospheric Visibility, Sunshine Duration and Precipitation Trends in South China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 107: 204-216.
8.? Li Weijun, Zhang, Daizhou, Shao Longyi, Zhou Shengzhen, Wang Wenxing. Individual particle analysis of aerosols collected under haze and non-haze conditions at a high-elevation mountain site in the North China plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 11(22): 11733-11744.
7.? Li Weijun, Li Peiren, Sun Guode, Zhou Shengzhen, Yuan Qi, Wang Wenxing. Cloud residues and interstitial aerosols from non-precipitating clouds over an industrial and urban area in northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45(15): 2488-2495.
6.? Nie Wei, Wang Tao, Xue Likun, Ding Aijun, Wang Xinfeng, Gao, Xiaomei, Xu? Zhen, Yu Yangchun, Yuan Chao, Zhou Shengzhen, Gao Rui, Liu Xiaohuan, Wang Yan, Fan Shaojia, Poon C.N., Zhang Qingzhu, Wang Wenxing. Asian dust storm observed at a rural mountain site in southern China: chemical evolution and heterogeneous photochemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 12 (24): 11985-11995.
5. Sun Yuwei, Zhou Xuehua, Wai Kaming, Yuan Qi, Xu Zheng, Zhou Shengzhen, Qi Qian and Wang Wenxing. Simultaneous measurement of particulate and gaseous pollutants in an urban city in North China Plain during the heating period: Implication of source contribution. Atmospheric Research, 2013, 134: 24-34.
4.? Xu Zheng, Wang Tao, Wu Jueqi, Xue Likun, Chan James, Zha Qiaozhi, Zhou Shengzhen, Peter K. K. Louie, Connie W. Y. Luk. Nitrous acid in a polluted subtropical atmosphere: seasonal variability, direct vehicle emission, and heterogeneous production on ground. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 106: 100-109.
3.? 孙玉伟, 周学华, 袁琦, 马强, 周声圳, 徐政, 马玉洁. 济南市秋末冬初大气颗粒物和气体污染物污染水平及来源. 环境科学研究, 2012, 25(3): 245-252.
2.? 王琳琳, 王淑兰, 王新锋, 徐政, 周声圳, 袁超, 于阳春, 王韬, 王文兴. 北京市2009年8月大气颗粒物污染特征. 中国环境科学, 2011, 31(4): 553-560.
1.? 徐政, 李卫军, 于阳春, 王新锋, 周声圳, 王文兴. 济南秋季霾与非霾天气下气溶胶光学性质的观测. 中国环境科学, 2011, 31(4): 546-552.