
中山大学? 大气科学学院

广东省广州市新港西路153 地环大楼B707??????????????????????????

联系方式: +86-20-8411-1566(办公电话)??? ????????????????

Email: huxm6@mail.sysu.edu.cn


教育背景?????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????

2013.08-2016.06?? www.77729.com? ??????? ? 气象系(导师:杨崧教授)博士

2010.09-2013.06?? 中国海洋大学海洋环境学院?? 气象系(导师:黄菲教授)硕士

2006.09-2010.06?? 中国海洋大学海洋环境学院 大气科学系 ????????????????????????????????? 学士



2016.07至今?????? www.77729.com??????????????????????????????????????? 特聘副研究员

2016.12-2017.06??? 佛罗里达州立大学地球、海洋和大气科学系 ????访问学者

2014.11-2015.12??? 佛罗里达州立大学地球、海洋和大气科学系???? 访问学生

2011.06-2013.05??? 中国气象局国家气候中心 ???????????????????????????????????????? 访问学生



Climate Dynamics 审稿人

Journal of Climate 审稿人

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 审稿人

International Journal of Remote Sensing Letter 审稿人


研究方向??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????


热带热力动力耦合响应对两类El Ni?o海温差异的影响





2017? ??????Yuxiang Overseas Returnee Young Scholar(宇翔海归英才奖)

2016??????? 中山大学优秀党员


发表论文???? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hu, X., S. Sejas, Ming Cai, P. Taylor, Y Deng, and S. Yang, 2017: Temporal evolutions of the surface energy budget in the last 37 years derived from the ERA-Interim Reanalysis. Climate Dyn., submitted

Li, Z., S. Yang, X. Hu, W. Dong, and B. He, 2017: Charge in long-lasting El Ni?o events by convection-induced wind anomalies over the western Pacific in boreal spring. J. Climate, submitted

Li, Y., S. Yang, Y. Deng, X. Hu, and M. Cai, 2017: A process-level attribution of the annual cycle of surface temperature over the maritime continent. Climate Dyn., in press.

Hu, X., P. Taylor, M. Cai, S. Yang, Y. Deng, and S. Sejas, 2017: Inter-Model warming projection spread: Inherited traits from control climate diversity. Sci. Rep., doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04623-7.

Hu, X., M. Cai, S. Yang, and Z. Wu, 2017: Delineation of thermodynamic and dynamic responses to sea surface temperature forcing associated with El Ni?o. Climate Dyn., in press, doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3711-0.

Hu, X., Y. Li, S. Yang, Y. Deng, and M. Cai, 2017: Process-based decomposition of the decadal climate difference between 2002–13 and 1984–95. J. Climate, 30, 4373–4393, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0742.1.

Hu, X., S. Yang, and M. Cai, 2016: Contrasting the eastern Pacific El Ni?o and the central Pacific El Ni?o: process-based feedback attribution. Climate. Dyn., 47, 2413-2424, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2971-9.

胡晓明,王国复,黄菲,2014:站网密度对气温长序列气候变化检测的影响分析. 气象科技42 (3)382-390.

张涛,刘喜迎,胡晓明2013: 北极海冰与大气环流耦合主模态的时空特征分析. 极地研究25226233.


主持及参与科研项目??????????????????????? ???????????????????????????





